Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Low Fat Slow Cooker - Tips for cooking with less fat

Good facilities for cooking with less fat:

* A frying pan with an anti-glue-stick pan to make it possible to do with little or no cooking fat.

* A grid, just to the grill and allow you, the elimination of fats, which are the foods that cook.

* A print - can stove, boil all the water and steam in a short time. The kitchen is three times faster and requires less liquid or semi-fat.

* Aluminum foil andBaking paper, which are used to prepared roll in curlpaper.

* A brush that makes it possible, a minimum of fat is used to coat the meat and fish grilled on.

* Perhaps an ideal microwave cooking without fat or heat the dishes prepared in advance.

A simple way to cook with less fat:

• Feel free to use the corn flour. When cooked, it condenses and makes hot sauces constantly, without adding fat.For example, for the dough, the use of skimmed milk with a little 'flour to thicken the sauce.

• Instead of a few drops of oil in a court to remain so, more than half a glass of water or vegetable broth, pour threat.

• Replace the cream to reduce fresh ricotta and yogurt mixed with vanilla.

• When peeled and boiled with water to lose 30 to 40% of their potatoes vitamins. You lose less than 10% when you cook with theirSkins.

• For a smooth sour sauce: a mixture of honey, orange juice, mustard and olive oil.

• an omelet, you can proceed as follows: cook a whole egg and 2 egg whites and skimmed milk with some herbs in a nonstick skillet. Of course it must, however, devoid of fat.

• You can make your own mayonnaise: against some egg yolk of hard white cheese, mustard, pepper and salt mixture.

Try these tips and tricks in the kitchen and IntegrationYou will cook with less fat.

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