Saturday, July 17, 2010

10 Reasons You Need a Pressure Cooker

A pressure cooker can be described as basically a saucepan with a locking lid that creates intense steam heat inside the pan, and so cooks food in a shorter time. Because people are increasingly short of time, with work and family commitments, the quality of meals can suffer which can lead to all sorts of health problems, as well as spending more money on fast food, takeaways and processed food.

1. Using a pressure cooker can dramatically reduce cooking times. As a rule of thumb, cooking this way takes just 1/3 of the time to cook compared to using other cooking methods. For example, a whole chicken can be cooked in as little as 20 minutes, and boiled potatoes can be ready to serve in around 8 minutes.

2. Food cooked this way is tastier, as more of the flavours and nutrients are retained. This makes some foods, especially vegetables much healthier, and more appealing as the colour is also retained

3. Less energy is used, which can help to save money. As cooking times are reduced, you can spend less time in the kitchen and more time doing the other things you need to do.

4. Different types of cooking can be done in a pressure cooker. You can use it for steaming, braising, boiling, poaching and baking.

5. Popular dishes made this way include soups, vegetables and meats. You'll find many uses for your pressure cooker as you become more experienced with it. Meals that take several hours cooked in the oven, can be done in minutes now.

6. When choosing a pressure cooker, the higher the temperature, the faster the food will cook. Depending on your requirements you may need to consider what size of pressure cooker you need.

7. Cooking this way uses much less water than boiling, so you can reduce the danger of having many hot pans on the stove at one time. This can be especially useful if you have small children.

8. Cooking using a pressure helps to kill more bacteria and viruses, so your food will be safer to eat.

9. You can also use your pressure cooker to sterilise baby bottles, which means that if you have a baby, you don't need to have a separate expensive steriliser. If you're a jam maker, or want to make your own jam, you can also use your pressure cooker to sterilise your jam jars too.

10. Although there were occasionally problems with pressure cookers when they first became available, modern pressure cookers are much safer and have more valves to regulate steam and the temperature.

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