Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Health in Crisis? 3 Things Your Need to Know to Get Well

Receiving a life-altering health diagnosis sets the previously healthy person into a tailspin. All the assumptions about life are shattered and you go from a placing of knowing to a place of utter chaos. There are lots of questions and many times the answers trickle in leaving us feeling adrift. There are some key areas that can anchor you so that your healthcare decisions are grounded and give you the hope you need to get well.

Health Is Not A Sprint
It would be very convenient if following the diagnosis there was a speedy method of resolving the health issue and life could return to "normal". First let's be clear, this is now normal. It's not possible to go through treatment thinking if two pills work then taking four should get you better faster.

Wellness is a marathon and those who win are those who develop both physical and spiritual stamina. You are going to have to raise your level of endurance just like a marathon runner. You have to commit to the long term result, not simply the alleviation of a symptom. Illness is often deeply rooted and just like weeds in your garden, you have to pull them from the roots and that takes time and patience.

Mind-Body Connection
There is a mind-body connection. You may never have experienced it but it is real, and it's a key factor in getting well. The messages that your mind sends to the body are interpreted on the cellular level. Overwhelmingly research shows that your attitude impacts the outcome of our treatment. Confidence in the treatment plan fortifies the treatment. It alleviates stress in the body preventing harmful hormones from being released and interfering with your treatment.

Our body believes what we tell it. Remember the studies done where children who were told they weren't very intelligent began to believe it? How does that happen? If we tell ourselves something over and over, then it becomes our reality, skewed but our reality. Our actions are based on our beliefs so if you don't believe you're going to get well you may not be as diligent about taking your medication. These thoughts followed by delinquent actions will sabotage your wellness.

Express Your Emotions
Emotions are the safety valve or our bodies. Just like a pressure cooker, you need the valve that allows air to escape so you don't explore, figuratively of course. Don't believe that being stoic is good for your health. Keeping a stiff upper lip is not in your best interest. Giving yourself the freedom to express your frustration, anger and disappointment are ways to get the negative energy out of your body.

Finding a way to release negative emotions gives the body one less fight. The body is fighting the illness; don't divert its attention by having to combat the negative thoughts. We only have a limited number of resources and making sure that every ounce of energy goes into fighting the illness is paramount to getting well.

A safe place to express your emotions is in a support group. You're surrounded by those fighting the same fight. You will not only hear about other's struggles, but the way they resolved those challenges giving you more ammunition for your arsenal. Finding new strategies for coping will give you the edge you need to ensure that the body is fighting the good fight, leading you to a place of better health.

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