Monday, June 28, 2010

The Best Psoriasis Treatment is Homeopathic

The best psoriasis treatment is homeopathic. Why would I make such a bold statement? How can I back it up? It's a question of knowing what disease is all about and the skin in particular. And then knowing the best ways to help your body achieve what it is already attempting, to do, but struggling. And that is to keep you healthy.

Let's look at disease. This is simply a way of telling you that your immune system cannot function in its full capacity. Things are blocking its efficiency. Typical blockages, that effect its efficient function include diet, stress, lack of relaxation, not enough sleep, drugs, vaccines and emotional blockages.

The western world is very good at covering up our emotional problems, and putting on a brave face. However, all of us, from time to time, hit an emotional upheaval. The next time this happens to you, deal with it by allowing it natural expression. Don't swallow it and carry on. Take time out, be on your own, or get supportive help if necessary, and allow it natural expression. You will emerge all the healthier for it. And your immune system will be in far better shape, too. By dealing with one episode in a healthy way, will open the path for past blockages to heal.

The skin is the least important organ of your body. When your body is out of balance, the skin is the first place your body will express its imbalance. Any skin condition, including psoriasis, means that you have only fallen one notch from good health. Suppressing skin conditions means that you fall further. Now your body is forced to use more important organs to "blow off' excess pressure.

I like to use the analogy of a pressure cooker. The valve maintains the correct pressure inside the saucepan, by allowing excess pressure to blow off harmlessly. Just as the skin is used to harmlessly deal with your body's imbalance. By denying the saucepan this escape (or your body), the pressure will build up, until the lid or the seal breaks. Or your kidneys, lungs, liver or heart are used as the release your body needs.

So instead of suppressing your symptoms, learn to understand them. Perhaps now you can see where I am coming from. The best psoriasis treatment is homeopathic, because homeopathy works by stimulating your immune system to work at its optimum level of efficiency. To do that, your unique and personal symptoms need to be matched to the most appropriate medicine. This can be tricky and complicated and is best left to a trained and professional homeopath.

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